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Wednesday 27 April 2011

Obama Birth Certificate

I think just because this birth certificate
is now being shown does not mean it's legit.
This has been a controversy since he was elected.
Could they only find it now?
Do you think the USA government is that dumb
that they could not locate this prior to today?
Why could they not show us this when we first started asking?
Do you think the government couldn't produce a
legitimate looking birth certificate?
That's not that hard.
They've produced a lot harder things
to pull off than a piece of paper.

So many questions. 
Unfortunately, we probably won't get the truth.

Remember, not all seeing is believing.

Virgin Mary appears in African Skies?

Watch at 1:20 to start seeing the apparition.
Id be really creeped out if I saw this.

Remember that God warned us in the bible about lying signs and wonders that would take place to decieve many.  Remember in one of my former posts I talked a bit about holographic images that the powers that be project into the sky?  [Post: Earthquake at the Rapture]  They can make whatever images they want to appear.  Jesus, ufo's, Mary, the savior of different religions around the world...  they could even stage a fake rapture to make all the believers think they've been left behind.  Whatever's up their sleeve... it isn't good.  This technology is often referred to as Project Blue Beam.  Study it. 
Soon, I believe, many many people will start seeing these images around the world.  It will be to help bring in the new world order. 
Now, I personally believe in ufo's - but not that they are just extraterrestrial beings.  I believe they are demonic.  So just because you see a ufo in the sky don't automatically think it's only a hollographic image. 
My advise if you see one of these, ask God what you are to do/what's going on...  We need to know the voice of Jesus at this time.  There will be many voices trying to decieve us, but we need to know the voice of our Savior.  He will lead us.  If someone comes and tells you 'Jesus is in the field, or Jesus is in the inner room...'  DON'T GO.  He has already warned us of this in Matthew 24:26.  He says 'For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.'

Do I understand all of the timing of the end time events?  Absolutely not.  Lots of the stuff I can't seem to put together.  I just know we are right there.  And whenever Jesus comes it will be quick.  I have no idea how much we will see before He comes for us.  Im not sure if we will be here when an earthquake happens, or if we will start to see images in the sky, or if there will be a ufo invasion.  Or if He will take us to heaven before we see these things.  I just know He is coming soon. 

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Monday 18 April 2011

The Great Central US Shakeout

Why would they warn us to prepare? 
So it looks like they have our best interest!
Reality - they don't.
This is going to be one of the greatest catastrophies ever recorded.
And they are creating it. 

Because the government did
all they could to help 'prepare us',
when the disaster happens,
we will follow their lead.
We will be transported to their camps.
Martial law will be in place.
Bye-bye freedom.
In reality, it's already gone...

Don't be a sucker.  I warned you!

Friday 15 April 2011

all seeing eye

Hey, just wondering if the all seeing eye is an alignment of the sun (the white part of the eye - largest circle), Nibiru (planet x - the colored part of the eye, smaller than the white part), and earth (the pupil of the eye - smaller than the sun [white part] and nibiru [colored part])

I guess I think it could be a 'layered picture' of the earth, nibiru in the middle, and the large sun in an alignment....  

maybe, maybe not....

Thursday 14 April 2011

What Heaven Looks Like

[Just because certain 'names' are mentioned in these videos doesn't mean I support them,
but I have read many of these testamonies and many seem to be valid.]

Dr. Manning Interviews Avi Lipkin of Israel

Thanks WyldBloo for this find!

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Price Increase??

This video has been 'removed by the user'.
So... who knows if YouTube removed it
or she felt like she should remove it.

Do your own research,
but the countdown is already in motion.
U find something else on this?
Let me know :)

Saturday 2 April 2011

Sesame Street Bug Out Bag

Think they are preparing us for what will happen?