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Wednesday 23 March 2011

Earthquake at the Rapture?

Some people pack a pretty good theory with the thought of an earthquake happening at the rapture of the bride of Christ. 
When Jesus gave up His spirit and died there was a great earthquake, and some of the old testament saints who had died were raised up from the dead and appeared to many people.  In the book of Matthew when the angel of the Lord came down to roll away the stone of Jesus' tomb there was also an earthquake.
Now imagine ALL of the saints from the church age who've passed away being raised up, that would potentially involve a MAJOR earthquake - global impact. 

I know there are different theories of the timing of the rapture in the book of revelation.  When the 6th seal is broken in the 6th chapter there is a mighty earthquake.  The 144,000 Jews are sealed, and there is a great multitude from every nation in heaven standing before the throne and the Lamb. 

Possibly the place that the rapture happens?  Maybe... only God knows.

This lady below believes an earthquake will happen at rapture

 There is a illuminati card game (If you don't know who the illuminati are, google it - they are like the 'people' who rule the world) that dipicts alot of different scenarios like 9/11 / Gulf oil spill / (potentially) the Japan tsunami etc... and a whole lot more.  These cards seem to indicate alot of areas the illuminati control in order to bring in their new world order.  This card in particular seems to show an earth-splitting type of earthquake associated with the rapture.  Now I have no idea what the strange phrase means on the card.  Just kinda makes your head go tilt.

Something else I'd like to add is remember that they have
holographic images that they can display in the sky.
The bible warns us of lying signs and wonders. 
So just because you may see people flying in the air,
there is a possibility that it could just be a
lying sign to make you think you've missed the rapture.
Remember, don't believe everything you see.  Ask God.

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