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Sunday, 27 March 2011

Judgements of God or scheme of man?

Something I had been struggling with for awhile was 'who is bringing about these disasters?'  God or man?  It seems like God's judgements [or at least 'Wake-up' calls] are coming with greater and greater intensity, but then why does it seem to be HAARP or governments creating these disasters?

I didn't feel solid in knowing these were signs from God... maybe they were just evil schemes of man?

So I was thinking about it and I realized that sometimes God's judgement has come in the past by allowing evil to prevail.  I was thinking about the Hebrew nation... sometimes God's judgement was allowing another nation to overtake and capture the Hebrews.  Is it possible that sometimes God's judgement is removing His hand of blessing and allowing destruction to take place?

How much so if He removes His church prior to the tribulation.  The church is a huge blessing to this earth and once it's removed the world will be in such darkness.  Is this what is referred to in 2 Thessalonians 2 where it talks about the restrainer being removed before the lawless one will be revealed?

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